An Old Settler Claimed by the Dread(ed) Disease Consumption.
The death of Jacob Berg occurred yesterday morning (November 22, 1897) of consumption. He had been a sufferer from the dread(ed) disease for several years. Twice he went on a trip to his old home in Norway and spent nearly a year there in one instance, and though apparently improved the relief was temporary. Mr. Berg came to Grand Forks in 1881 and opened a photographic studio, and had a very large and profitable business. During his sojourn in Norway Mr. Berg made a large number of views of well known places and scenery, which have had a very large sale in this country since his return. Mr. Berg leaves a widow and five children to mourn his departure. He was a member of Grand Forks lodge I. O. O. F. and the funeral will take place under the auspices of the fraternity tomorrow afternoon from the Lutheran church.
Grand Forks Daily Herald
Tuesday, November 23, 1897
Page 8
Born: February 11, 1858 in Fosnes, Norway
Died: November 22, 1897 in Grand Forks, North Dakota
Spouse: Christina Langord
Children: Amanda, Ethel, Jacob Jr., and Anton
- Grand Forks and North Dakota Manual for 1885
- History of the Red River Valley
- Photographed the historic 1882 Red River Flood
- Photographed the Devils Lake area (Grand Forks Daily Herald, Tuesday, September 18, 1883, Page 4)
- Photographic Art. J. Berg, the photographer on 4th street and Bruce ave., expects to be absent from the city for several months. In the meantime, he has engaged the services of W. W. Hall, a skilled artist, of Decorah, Iowa, who will have charge of his photographic business during his absence. This gentleman is unexcelled in this department of work. Mr. Berg will continue to have on hand a full stock of photograph albums, stereoscopic views, picture frames that may be ordered, promptly and neatly made. There are now on the way a lot of fine oil paintings which will probably be here within a week, and be placed on exhibition in his gallery. The public is cordially invited to come and visit his establishment and give his art and goods a fair trial, satisfaction in all cases being guaranteed. An additional feature of the art department to which he invites attention, is that of crayon sketching, in which Mr. Hall has just achieved celebrity. Specimens of his work may be seen in a few days. If you have any pictures you wish enlarged and sketched in crayon, as vividly almost as life itself, do not delay calling at the headquarters of fine portraits in the Red River Valley. (Grand Forks Daily Herald, Wednesday Evening, May 7, 1884, Volume 5, Number 162, Page 1)
- Yesterday Mr. J. Berg commenced work on his new gallery, corner of 4th Street and Bruce avenue, in a short space of time, the new quarters will be completed, and with increased facilities for doing business, he will be able to do all the business that comes to him. Mr. Berg will employ the most skillful artists, his rooms will be elaborately furnished and satisfaction in every instance guaranteed. Reserve your work for him. (Grand Forks Daily Herald, Friday, October 31, 1884, Page 1)
- Photographed Grand Forks County tree planters (Grand Forks Daily Herald, Wednesday, May 19, 1886, Page 4)
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